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Level 2
posted Apr 24, 2023 1:57:03 PM

T1135: What is the meaning of "maximum funds held during the year"

I not have taken any capital from my funds nor any income. Over the course of the year my  assets have increased in value and then fallen back down again. So what do I enter in the box marked "Maximum funds held during the year"?? 

Secondly - theses assets have been purchased many years ago AND they were purchased piece meal. How would I calculate cost price?? 

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1 Replies
May 1, 2023 10:14:18 AM

"Maximum funds held during the year" is the maximum amount of fund you had in the account during the year. If the amount went up and down, you would enter the highest value that it reached.


You would have to try to get the purchase price of your assets somehow. If they were stocks, you can check the web for the historical value. If it was real estate, you can check the bill of sale, or have an appraisal done.