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posted Mar 18, 2023 4:43:28 PM

Turbo tax is allocating my vehicle expenses on my rental property not my regular job. How do I change this

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1 Replies
Level 5
Mar 20, 2023 11:02:12 AM

For this, firstly you have to remove the vehicle expense on Rental properties and then have to add these for Employment expenses.  Please find below the instructions on how to remove the vehicle expenses on Rental properties: 

  1. From the menu, select Find (the magnifying glass icon)
  2. Enter Rental properties in the search bar
  3. Select Rental properties from the list, then Go
  4. Select Yes, then Continue
  5. Click the Edit on already added rental property
  6. Click Continue and you will see some already added vehicle expenses here on this page. You can remove these vehicle expenses by clicking Delete.


Please find below the instructions for how to add Vehicle expenses to Employment expenses:  

  1. From the menu, select My Info, then Get Started, and then Continue
  2. On the first What happened for you in 20XX? screen, answer Yes to the question, Did you work in 20XX?
  3. Select the I was employed checkbox
  4. Answer Yes to the questions, Did you have expenses related to your employment?
  5. Select any other checkboxes that apply, then select Continue
  6. From the upper menu, select Find then search for employment expenses. Select it from the list of populated results, then select Go
  7. On the Employment Expenses screen, select Yes to Does this apply to you? (If you're preparing a spousal return, indicate who incurred the expenses)
  8. On the Employment Expenses Profile, select the applicable checkbox(es) and then Continue
  9. Select the Motor Vehicle Expenses checkbox, then Continue
  10. On the Employment Related Driving screen, enter the information for the vehicle expenses


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