When I report Foreign nonbusiness tax paid amount It requires me to report source county of foreign income. Choices that clear the error message are USA, Country #2, Country #3. My T3's are from Mutual Funds. I see no indication on the T3's that show the source. Could be USA, could be anywhere. How do I navigate this?
If your income is from multiple countries or you don't know what country your foreign income is from, enter 'Various' in the box labelled "Source country of foreign income".
The TurboTax Standard does not allow one to enter any value. There is only a drop down menu with choices U.S.A., Country #2, Country #3. Given that what should be entered there? The actual source country(ies) is not known!
If you don't know, or the income is from multiple countries, just pick Country #2 or Country #3 on the Foreign Slip.
If you are claiming the Foreign Tax Credit for the income, you can ask who ever issued the slip where the income is from, or enter Global if it's from more than one country.
New Canadian Turbotax user, Premium.
i am getting an error on T3 requesting a foreign source. Drop box not active.
@KwakuBrian Are you using TurboTax CD/Download or TurboTax Online?