If you’re preparing a single return:
- Select Find (or the magnifying glass icon).
- In the Find window, type principal.
- Select Principal Residences from the search results, then select Go.
- On the Sale of your Principal Residence step, select Sale of a principal residence under your name, then Continue.
- Enter information related to the sale in the appropriate fields, then select Continue.
- On the Disposition to a spouse or partner step, answer the question(s), then select Continue.
- On the Designation of a property as a Principal Residence step, fill out the fields, then select Continue.
- On the Sale of Principal Residence Summary step, select Continue.
If you and your spouse/partner are preparing your returns together:
- Select Find (or the magnifying glass icon).
- In the Find window, type principal.
- Select Principal Residences from the search results, then select Go.
- On the Sale of your Principal Residence step, select Sale of principal residence under the name of whoever owned or co-owned the property, then Continue.
- Answer the question on Who disposed of the property? step, then select Continue.
- On the Sale of your Principal Residence step, enter information related to the sale in the appropriate fields, then select Continue.
- If both you and your partner co-owned the property, skip this step and go to step 8. If only one of you owned the property, on the Disposition to a spouse or partner step that appears, answer the question(s), then select Continue.
- On the Designation of a property as a Principal Residence step, fill out the fields, then select Continue.
- If you and your partner co-owned the property for the same amount of time or if only one of you co-owned the property, skip this step and go to step 10. If you and your spouse/partner co-owned the property for different lengths of time, after the Designation of a property as a Principal Residence step reappears with questions for your partner, fill out the fields, then select Continue.
- On the Sale of Principal Residence Summary step, select Continue.