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Returning Member
posted May 30, 2022 8:24:04 PM

Your business or rental address is missing information (i.e. number and street) or it has a character that can't be used. - I don't even have a rental. Why do I have ths?

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14 Replies
Jun 3, 2022 1:22:30 PM

You must have entered a business address which you forgot to add the street number as part of the address or added a character such as a hyphen which isn't being accepted. 


Thank you for choosing TurboTax.

Returning Member
Jun 6, 2022 8:01:42 AM

The software does not list a hyphen as an invalid character and is needed for some addresses (unit-building).  I retyped the "stated" missing information and even copied it from a NOA but did not make a difference.  The software failed to truly indicate what the error was or the error was in the software.  The business address was correct and already entered on the "business" forms.  The software reported the problem for a "rental".  But even when I entered that address, it still said that there was an error.  Epic fail for the software.

Level 6
Jun 6, 2022 10:09:25 AM

Was this an error that needed to be fixed or a warning? If it was a warning you can just skip it and continue and file your return.


If the issue is an actual error- please contact our phone support team for assistance.


Thank you for choosing TurboTax

Returning Member
Jun 6, 2022 10:13:33 AM

The message was  an error.  I could not Netfile due to the error without fixing it and I could not find anything to fix, not for lack of trying.  At the time, I also could not find any means of contacting turbotax, it was the best kept secret!  


I had to mail my return since the software would not allow me to Netfile my return.

Jun 6, 2022 10:28:59 AM

Above I had sent to you the link to the phone number for TurboTax phone support team. 


New Member
Mar 15, 2023 7:02:39 AM

It doesn't matter how I fill in the address, I keep getting the same error, and if I skip it, I can't Netfile.

I am aware about the various forbidden characters and the period at the end of any word.

VERY frustrating; please help.

Mar 20, 2023 1:52:31 PM



Please contact our phone support team at 1-888-829-8608 as they will be better able to assist you.

Level 2
Apr 6, 2023 7:47:20 PM

Support: And what’s wrong with posting the information into this forum, such that it can directly help others? Why must we phone in for a workaround to what is clearly a software bug? My own father is suffering this exact same problem with the 2022 software, and *any* legitimate, address - confirmed using the Canada Post address finder - that we plug in is throwing this error. It’s a product flaw that made it past QA. Either state the known workaround or admit that there isn’t one and anyone with a rental cannot netfile.

Returning Member
Apr 8, 2023 6:44:11 AM

Right?  Why is this even a thing?

I had a rental unit in the past but haven't used it in many years so that shouldn't have even come up when I did my 2021 taxes.  A tax form that I received regarding income had a very long address but no weird characters in the address.  I assumed that this is what triggered the message but after rewriting the address, entering my rental address and any other combinations that I could come up with, I could not get it to work and therefore could not netfile.  I couldn't even find a turbotax support phone number to call.  But the fact that this is still a problem is ridiculous!   That tax form was imported from the government site so there should never have been an error message!  Not going to be happy if this comes up again when I do my 2022 taxes soon.

Apr 8, 2023 10:38:21 AM

@rekabis We can't see your return, so we don't know what is going wrong. Phone support can look at the return with you to try to resolve the issue, and escalate the problem if needed.


@kmtaxme As mentioned above, if you would like to contact our phone support team, you can call them at 1-888-829-8608.

Returning Member
Apr 20, 2023 12:03:37 PM

So I found a solution today.  While I do have a rental unit, I haven't been renting it out so this was misleading.  I do deliveries for Instacart and Maplebear sends us a tax form.  I completed the self employment forms but I had downloaded all forms from CRA which but the business name and address into my self employment form.  Once I deleted their information and entered my information, it finally worked.


Yes, I did call their number, no, they did not help me.  I figured it out while they kept having me go back and forth, repeating the same useless steps.  I did inform them that this is a problem on TurboTax's end.  They should not be pulling information from a downloaded slip into my business form.  They assured me that the information would be passed on.


If you are getting the same message with a rental, I would double check any information that may have been imported from CRA and that TT put it in the correct spot.  Unless you registered a business name, then it should be blank.  Know when the address should be your actual address.

New Member
Apr 30, 2023 7:59:34 PM

Hello! I'm also experiencing this problem right now. We have a blank FORM 1 for a rental property and it won't let us get to the Netfile stage because it says there is some missing address (even though the form is BLANK). I would like to somehow delete this form but I have no ability to do so. Did anyone figure this out? I don't want to mail in - and I want to netfile. 

May 3, 2023 2:25:54 PM

@caliyou  Make sure your name, address, etc... in your contact information (T1) and your Self-employment page (T2125) match. Then delete the rental form (T776).


Returning Member
Nov 29, 2024 1:22:41 PM

I hope you didn't take credit for that information.