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Returning Member
posted Apr 25, 2022 7:04:36 PM

Schedule D won't print

I am trying to produce a PDF of my return to mail to Revenu Quebec. Everything works fine except that the Schedule D form is not included, in spite of me being eligible and having filled out the relevant information through easy steps. If I open the Schedule D form in the "forms" view, I can see that it is filled out properly. Regardless, it will not print.

Of course, I could just download the form from Revenu Quebec and fill it out myself, but then the keying information would not be included in the front and the page might not get processed. This happened to me in 2020 when I used this workaround. Besides, it seems like a problem with the software?

I'm using Turbotax Desktop (Standard edition), 2021.

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3 Replies
New Member
Apr 28, 2022 1:28:42 PM

I am using TurboTax Desktop Home and Business, 2021, and I have exactly the same issue. I have filled out Schedule D and can see my information in both "Forms" view and "QuickStep" view. I can also print it as an "Individual Form," but it is not printing in my "Federal and Quebec tax returns."


It turns out that Schedule D didn't print last year either, nor was it included in TurboTax's 2020 filing to Revenu Quebec. As a result, my spouse and I did not receive the Solidarity Tax Credit (STC)--something we only just noticed. This has cost us about $1,200, although it looks like we can request the STC retroactively by filling out TP-1.R-V and Schedule D and mailing them to Revenu Quebec, so long as we do so no later than December 31 of the fourth taxation year after the year we missed. It's a bother but of course we will do it: the money we're missing is worth it.


However, I wanted to avoid the same problem this year. I called TurboTax and talked to somebody who was very polite and who tried her best, but it seems they were unaware of this issue--even though it existed last year as well. They apologized to me but cannot do anything about it this year. To be safe, I will print out all of the forms individually, including schedule D, and file my taxes on paper. And I will not use TurboTax next year unless I learn that this technical issue has been resolved.


I presume that all Quebecers using TurboTax are missing out on the Solidarity Tax Credit, whether they realize it or not?

Returning Member
Apr 28, 2022 7:50:36 PM

I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one! We also (myself and my partner) missed out on the Solidarity Tax Credit last year because same as this year, it wouldn't print.


Last year, we manually printed out the form and included it, but Revenu Quebec didn't process it (presumably because the Schedule D information was missing from the keying information at the from). I only noticed we hadn't received it this past week in doing my taxes. I wonder how many other Quebecers are in the same boat. Like you, I re-submitted it recently using a TP-1-.R-V. 


This year, we did the same thing (printed out the form manually and included it), but I also included a letter at the front of the package explaining the situation. Hopefully I won't need to do an ammendment again.


I suspect this issue only affects people who file by printing and sending it in by mail. Unfortunately, my tax situation is unique enough (for other reasons) that netfiling is not possible...

New Member
May 1, 2022 1:18:11 PM

I had a lot of trouble convicing the person at Customer Service that this bug actually does exist, and being able to point to your post is what finally seemed to convince her, so thank you. I hope she has a way to alert the development team.


Netfiling is affected by the bug as well: I netfiled last year and according to Revenu Quebec, we didn't claim the solidarity tax credit. Life has been busy, so I realized only recently that we weren't getting the direct deposits.


Thanks too for the heads-up about the keying information: I included a letter with my paper submission as well. Fingers crossed that it works!