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New Member
posted Apr 27, 2023 12:14:55 PM

Entering business expenses for the T2125, there was a box to specify what Other Expenses were and showed up on the form on line 9270. Is there any place to enter it now?

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1 Replies
Level 2
May 1, 2023 11:24:02 AM

Hi @Rivet1 !


You can enter your business expenses into TurboTax during the interview/EasyStep process (depending on which version of software you're using). To do this:


  1. Select the Search bar (binoculars icon), and type in business
  2. Select Business or Professional Activities, then select Go
  3. Continue answering questions to enter your business information (if you haven't done so already)
  4. In the section after Vehicle CCA, you will start to get questions related to your business expenses (starting with paying for advertising)

Hope this helps, and happy filing!