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Form T1135 - inability to add more than 3 lines!!! Is this being addressed?

Thank you for your feedback, we value your opinion and have shared this information with the proper TurboTax team.

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Level 2

Form T1135 - inability to add more than 3 lines!!! Is this being addressed?

Really TurboTax??? 

Still no correction to this YEARS LONG out-standing oversight on your part for Desktop?

You allow and ADVERTISE filing by netfile for T135 4/2023, but you still stubornly continue to NOT allow more than 4 lines?

Shame on you!!!

Returning Member

Form T1135 - inability to add more than 3 lines!!! Is this being addressed?

The problem continues to be NOT addressed for the 2023 Intuit Turbotax Premier edition.

I have three US ETFs XUS, XSP and XQQ which I need to report in the T1135 Part B  "4. Interests in non-resident trusts". But I cannot enter more than two non-resident trusts in the Turbotax T1335 as there are only two lines available in the provided form interface.

When is this issue scheduled to be fixed?

Form T1135 - inability to add more than 3 lines!!! Is this being addressed?

Thank you for your feedback, we have forwarded a request to add extra lines to the T1135 form to our development team


Our TurboTax Online, allows you to enter more than 3 items per category. 


Thank you for choosing TurboTax.

New Member

Form T1135 - inability to add more than 3 lines!!! Is this being addressed?

Ran into this last year (for 2022 tax year) and ended up using the downloaded form from CRA.

This year (2023 tax year) found same issue again - however, I found a work around this time.

I entered the first 3 lines in the interview method but then before completing and e-filing, I switched to the Forms method where I could edit the T1135 form directly and found I could add in the extra line(s) needed.

Level 2

Form T1135 - inability to add more than 3 lines!!! Is this being addressed?

Well finally for 2023 tax year!, since at least 2019 (yes!), this issue of not having enough lines in section 7 of T1135 has been addressed.

Thank you @dgleblanc for posting our issue has been partially fixed, at least to be useable.

Just to clarify for everyone else, this is regarding the DESKTOP version of the T1135 lines could be added easily in the online version, but never from within the DESKTOP version where there were only 3 available lines for section 7 (well, at minimum section 7, but other sections too that I don't use - sorry for you others).  Otherwise, we were left with separately downloading, completing, and mailing the CRA fillable form.

Good that this part of the issue has been RESOLVED, after more than 5 years, to allow for proper netfiling from TurboTax Desktop.

Following the description by @dgleblanc you must manually use the blue actual T1135 form, displayed at the bottom of EasyStep but accessed for manual editing only from within the Forms method.

Better than nothing!