Hello! I have an amount record in box O of my RL-1 form. "Autres revenus". There is no box O on the TurboTax RL-1 form. What should I do about this?
2 Replies
Level 3
Feb 15, 2023 12:57:21 PM
There is a Box O on the TurboTax Online Relevé 1 page. You’ll need to scroll down to find it, and then enter your Box O amount based on the code that is shown on your Relevé 1 slip.
Thank You for choosing TurboTax.
New Member
Feb 16, 2023 8:30:24 AM
Ah thank you! I was looking at all the numbers in brackets and completely missed the most obvious one.
The thing is, on my RL-1 it says "autres revenus" and doesn't say what that revenue is. I have absolutely no idea and so can't categorize it the way this form expects. Fun!