I have dividends received from a Cdn Entity and I need help in completing Schedule 3 on a T2 form.
I am assuming that these are the entries on Schedule 3:
- Column A = Entity Name
- Dividends from a Foreign Source? No
- Dividends subject to Part IV tax? Yes
- Column F (Box 240) = Amount in Box 49 on T3
- Column G1 (Received After 2015) = Amount in Box 49 on T3
- Part IV tax before Deductions. Dividends received after 2015 (Box 275) = Automatically calculated by TurboTax
- GRIP/LRIP: Column F deduction type: Not sure what this is?
- GRIP / LRIP: Indicate Eligible Dividends: Do I enter the amount in Box 49 on T3?
Is this correct? Is there a guide to completing this schedule?
Thanks for your help !