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New Member
posted Oct 31, 2019 12:36:57 AM

How do I use refile with turbotax standard online for my 2018 tax return?

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1 Best answer
Level 15
Oct 31, 2019 12:37:00 AM

Here's some updated information regarding the ReFile service as of March 29th. At the bottom of this page are instructions on "how" to use ReFile.  https://turbotax.community.intuit.ca/replies/3639538

6 Replies
Level 15
Oct 31, 2019 12:36:59 AM

@battistel Please see the updated information regarding ReFile.

Level 15
Oct 31, 2019 12:37:00 AM

Here's some updated information regarding the ReFile service as of March 29th. At the bottom of this page are instructions on "how" to use ReFile.  https://turbotax.community.intuit.ca/replies/3639538

New Member
Mar 2, 2021 12:33:39 PM

I have filed my 2018 return and now wish to refile it but cannot find either the return manager or the refile line in it. 

What do i do?

Intuit Alumni
Mar 6, 2021 1:41:23 PM

We can help you with this. Here is the 2018 TurboTax link: https://ww1.2018.turbotaxonline.intuit.ca/? where you will enter your usual email and password used for your TurboTax account. We have included some images below. The first one is of the Return Manager with returns that have yet to be filed.





This next image shows when a return has previously filed and is now available for REFILE.



On the page in TurboTax that lists all of your tax returns, the ReFILE button appears only next to tax returns that are eligible for the ReFILE service. 

We guide you through the steps necessary to make changes to your previously filed tax return and submit using ReFILE.

Restrictions: You can use ReFILE to submit only certain types of changes to your tax return. Some situations exclude you from using ReFILE. For more details, visit CRA’s page on conditions and exclusions for using ReFILE.

Thank you for using TurboTax.


New Member
Jun 15, 2021 4:58:31 AM

Thank you for this BUT  - how do I refile for the STANDARD version? - these instructions seem to be for the ONLINE version.


I have Standard 2020 - V 00.01.91 Build 9004 068G30


I have started the button "change a filed return" but I have no idea what to do next.  I am into the forms - what next?


Returning Member
Mar 26, 2023 11:36:41 PM

I use TurboTax Standard 2021 and 2022 and I have the same question. The instructions from this web page:






TurboTax CD/Download
Filing adjustments to a federal tax return
If you filed your original return using NETFILE:

Launch your TurboTax CD/Download edition for the tax year you want to prepare an adjustment for
In Return Manager, select ReFILE beside the filed tax return you want to adjust.


Where can I find the Return Manager and ReFILE? Could you please explain and provide the screenshots?


I have also tried  "Change a filed return", opened the forms I already adjusted and it is not clear what is next and how to ReFILE.


Thank you.