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posted Apr 19, 2022 11:51:40 AM

How do you know what class a CCA asset is?

I have bought various pieces of equipment for my videography company, and am not sure what class everything is in.

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1 Replies
Level 4
Apr 19, 2022 1:57:27 PM

Most camera equipment over $500 falls under CCA Class 8. Equipment over $1,000 would also be classified as Class 8 but kept in a separate pool. (This is because equipment that is costly and needs to be replaced can provide you with a terminal loss deduction, but you can only deduct the terminal loss if the equipment was classified in its own Class 8 pool.)

Information on Class 8 CCA, as per Canada Revenue Agency (CRA):
Classes of depreciable property - Canada.ca

Note: If you scroll to the top of the page in the above link, you will be able to select different classes to view their descriptions. 

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