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I have T3, T5 and T5008 documents. What version of turbo tax do I need standard or premier?

Yes, If you have investment income or expenses to claim, you will need to upgrade to TurboTax Premier.


Thank you for choosing TurboTax.

I have T3, T5 and T5008 documents. What version of turbo tax do I need standard or premier?



Can you please direct me in how to enter the T3, T5 and T5008 info into Turbo tax US? 


When I go into "Investments and Savings (1099-B, 1099-INT, 1099-DIV, 1099-K, Crypto)" There are no options for anything other than official US forms. 


Thank You,



I have T3, T5 and T5008 documents. What version of turbo tax do I need standard or premier?

This is the Canadian side of TurboTax. If you are completing a US return please go to the following link to ask your question on our US site. 


Thank you for choosing TurboTax.

New Member

I have T3, T5 and T5008 documents. What version of turbo tax do I need standard or premier?

I agree why charge extra for 1 slip?  

I have T3, T5 and T5008 documents. What version of turbo tax do I need standard or premier?

The charge is not due to an extra information slip but for different calculations needed for different added information included like investment income and expenses, etc.


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