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Level 2
posted Feb 29, 2024 12:44:05 PM

I received a RL-27 slip from the Quebec government. Turbo Tax Standard does not include this one. What do I do?

0 9 4287
1 Best answer
Mar 2, 2024 3:20:38 PM

As The Ministry is required to produce a RL-27 slip “Government payments” for recipients who are granted financial assistance under its programs, whether the recipient is an individual, a corporation or a partnership.

Generally speaking:

  • If you received financial assistance for personal purposes, the amount of the assistance is not taxable and you do not have to take the RL-27 slip into account on your income tax return;
  • If you received financial assistance for business, organization or property operations purposes, the amount of the financial assistance must be deducted from the capital cost of the acquired property to calculate the capital cost allowance.

Should you require additional information regarding the tax treatment of RL-27 slips, please contact Revenu Québec directly.


Thank  you for choosing TurboTax.

9 Replies
Feb 29, 2024 12:52:14 PM

In most cases, an RL-27 slip is issued for information purposes only. You do not have to enter it on your tax return. However, there are some exceptions:


If you hold a taxi owner's permit and have received a RL-27 slip indicating the allowance paid to compensate for the loss of value of your licence, you must enter the information found on your RL-27 slip in the Self-employment section to reduce the capital cost of the permit and the undepreciated capital cost (UCC) of the amortization category to which the permit belongs.


If you received a payment related to self-employment, you must reduce the amount of the corresponding expense or reduce the capital cost of the financed property or report it as other income in the Self-employment section of TurboTax.


To switch to the Self-Employment section of TurboTax Online:

  1. Click on Find (magnifying glass) in the top right-hand corner.
  2. Type "self" in the box, then select "self-employment" from the list, and click “Go”.

Level 1
Mar 2, 2024 8:07:56 AM

Why is TurboTax not providing the RL-27 quebec form, if we receive a tax slip for RL-27 for a paid amount From the Quebec gorvernment for the RenoClimat Program then the revenue quebec expect us to enter one ! So will Turbo update their standard version with the form.

Mar 2, 2024 3:20:38 PM

As The Ministry is required to produce a RL-27 slip “Government payments” for recipients who are granted financial assistance under its programs, whether the recipient is an individual, a corporation or a partnership.

Generally speaking:

  • If you received financial assistance for personal purposes, the amount of the assistance is not taxable and you do not have to take the RL-27 slip into account on your income tax return;
  • If you received financial assistance for business, organization or property operations purposes, the amount of the financial assistance must be deducted from the capital cost of the acquired property to calculate the capital cost allowance.

Should you require additional information regarding the tax treatment of RL-27 slips, please contact Revenu Québec directly.


Thank  you for choosing TurboTax.

Level 2
Mar 3, 2024 7:37:57 AM

Thank you very much. This is encouraging and I will take your advice and check with Revenu Quebec before I file.


Derek 28

Level 2
Mar 3, 2024 7:40:09 AM

Thanks for this. Makes sense and less gray hair.

Derek 28

Level 2
Mar 3, 2024 7:41:02 AM

Thank you for your very thorough answer.

Best to you,

Derek 28

New Member
Mar 10, 2024 12:21:00 PM

Derek 28, avez vous recu confirmation du gouvernement, pas besoin de rentrer le relevé 27? merci.

New Member
Mar 10, 2024 2:23:51 PM

if the government issues a slip for income tax, there should be some place provided to enter it. That why I buy turbo tax so it is suppling me with an easy way to do my income taxes. I am disappointed that they can't provide a place to enter this information.

Very disappointed.

I do income taxes for other people and now I have to tell them that I can't submit their information because Turbo Tax is not providing me a place to enter it.

Will have to return to doing it my paper or find another income tax provider.

Mar 10, 2024 6:15:07 PM

The amounts shown in box B of RL 27 relate to grants received from a Quebec government department or agency during the fiscal year. 


If you are an individual and the grant amount was used in full, you do not need to enter it. Therefore, do not claim a deduction for the expense.


If, however, the amount has not been used in full, or depending on the agreement with the government, you will have to enter the balance in "Other taxable income".


Thank you for choosing TurboTax.