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New Member
posted Apr 24, 2023 4:35:44 PM

I used to have a section where I could insert my self-employment expenses (i.e. home office) but I can't find it anymore. What can I do?

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1 Replies
Returning Member
Apr 25, 2023 10:59:32 AM

Thank you for your question.

Please follow the step-by-step guide below:-

How to claim your expenses related to self-employment income using TurboTax Online:


  1. Skip ahead to the Self Employment Expenses section by selecting the Find icon (magnifying glass) from the top right corner.
  2. Enter self-employment in the search bar.
  3. Select Self-Employment from the list of results, then select Go.
  4. On the Let's look at your self-employment income and expenses screen, answer Yes to the question, Do you have self-employed income and/or expenses to report, then select Continue.
  5. Select Enter New Business for.
  6. On the what kind of self-employment work do you do? screen, select the category that best describes your business from the list provided, then select Continue.
  7. On the here’s a checklist of what you’ll need to get started screen, select Continue (and/or download the checklist if needed).
  8. Enter your information in the let's start with the basics about your work screen, then select Continue
  9. Enter your business address and industry code on the next two pages, then select Continue.
  10. Continue entering information about your business until you reach the let's look at your work expenses screen, then select Continue.
  11. On the T2125 Business Statement screen, enter the basic information about your business.
  12. In the Calculation of business use-of-home expenses section, fill out all applicable amounts.
  13. When finished, select Continue to claim your expenses.

Here is a TurboTax FAQ/video link that you may find helpful.

How to claim home office expenses for self-employed? 


Thank you for choosing Turbo Tax.