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New Member
posted Oct 30, 2019 5:06:17 AM

I want to get rid of a warning. I have a home office, my employer is York University and they complete T2200.

I have entered an amount in the box “Zero rated and exempt” . It does not matter in which box I put that amount for the home office - GST-HST - Zero rated or exempt. At the review stage,  I get a warning  “You indicated that you incurred GST/HST taxable employment expenses. If you are eligible for a GST rebate confirm you've selected the checkbox indicating that you are eligible" If I go back and  click NOT eligible,  the same warning  appears  at the end. If I go back and click YES on the  eligibility for GST/HST rebate,  the system tells me I am NOT  eligible.
I do not want a HST rebate,  How can I rid of the warning?  dima

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1 Best answer
New Member
Oct 30, 2019 5:06:18 AM

If it is a Warning and not an Error, then you could skip it and move onto the next section. 

Warnings are there just to ensure that if the situation applies to you, you can go back and make any necessary modifications.

Errors, on the other hand, will prevent you from filing because something in your return is incorrect and the return will not be accepted by the CRA.

1 Replies
New Member
Oct 30, 2019 5:06:18 AM

If it is a Warning and not an Error, then you could skip it and move onto the next section. 

Warnings are there just to ensure that if the situation applies to you, you can go back and make any necessary modifications.

Errors, on the other hand, will prevent you from filing because something in your return is incorrect and the return will not be accepted by the CRA.