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I have T3, T5 and T5008 documents. What version of turbo tax do I need standard or premier?

14 Replies

I have T3, T5 and T5008 documents. What version of turbo tax do I need standard or premier?

You can use any version of TurboTax to prepare your 2018 tax returns with these investment slips, even Free! The Premier version does provide more guidance on investment and rental income. If you start with a lower version then feel you would like more guidance, you can always upgrade and your information will carry over to the upgraded version.  

I have T3, T5 and T5008 documents. What version of turbo tax do I need standard or premier?

I have the standard kit and it wants me to buy a premium kit. I have always used standard.  Why is it differ6this year?  

Deuchland 99
Returning Member

I have T3, T5 and T5008 documents. What version of turbo tax do I need standard or premier?

 I have  T3 T5 & T4A(P) I have the standard kit and it wants me to buy a premium kit. I have always used standard so many years with my T3 T5 & T4A(P)

How to pay for Turbo Tax Assist Review? Cost ?

I have T3, T5 and T5008 documents. What version of turbo tax do I need standard or premier?

The ability to enter investments is only available in TurboTax Premier Online (or higher) in 2021.

Please see these TurboTax FAQs for more information:

Why did I have to upgrade my TurboTax Online edition?

Who can file for free using TurboTax?


If you add Assist & Review to your Premier return the cost will be $89.99 per return. You can pay by credit card when you are ready to file your return. 

FYI: If you are preparing your return with a spouse, this counts as 2 returns.


New Member

I have T3, T5 and T5008 documents. What version of turbo tax do I need standard or premier?

do I understand that the Premier will provide extra guidance but the Standard version won’t block me from entering T3, T5 and capital gains and loss, right? Can you give me extra details on what is considered guidances provided by the Premium version please?

I have T3, T5 and T5008 documents. What version of turbo tax do I need standard or premier?

Once you enter the information you will be guided to upgrade to the Premium version. User guidance deals with preventing and correcting user errors which is included in the upgrade. You need the Premium version to apply the capital gains and losses.


Thank you for choosing TurboTax.

New Member

I have T3, T5 and T5008 documents. What version of turbo tax do I need standard or premier?

For 2023 return, I am being forced to upgrade to Premium if I have a T3 slip.  Why is this happening this year for the first time?  I don't believe I need to do anything for the new trust reporting rules just because I have a T3.  Thanks


I have T3, T5 and T5008 documents. What version of turbo tax do I need standard or premier?

Please see the list below enumerating what is or is not included in the free version.

Simple tax returns include:

Employment income

Pension income

Other employment income such as tips

RRSP contributions

Child care expenses

COVID-19 benefits and re-payments

Unemployment (EI) and social assistance

Worker’s compensation

Disability amount

Worker’s benefit

Amount for eligible/infirm dependents

Tuition, scholarships, bursaries, grants, student loan interest

Caregiver tax credit

Disability transfer

Home accessibility tax credit

Tax on RESPs and RDSPs

Tax installment payments

Age amount

Income, credits, and deductions not listed above are not covered by TurboTax Free, including:

Employment expenses (meals, lodging, etc.)


Medical expenses

Investment income and expenses

Rental property income and expenses

Self-employed income and expenses

Thank you for choosing TurboTax.

New Member

I have T3, T5 and T5008 documents. What version of turbo tax do I need standard or premier?

I don't use the free version.  I have used the Deluxe cloud version for several years and have been able to use it to input investment income slips including T3s and T5008s.  For 2023, if I use the T3 or T5008 schedule there is a lock notice that says I must upgrade to Premium.  Is this a change for 2023?