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posted Mar 20, 2023 8:37:28 AM

What is the difference between total payable and paid in tax year? when do I use one VS the other?

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1 Replies
Level 2
May 1, 2023 12:23:13 PM

Hi @whitehorsemedia ,


To clarify my understanding, are you referring to tax payable VS tax paid on the T1 income tax return?


If so, your tax payable would be what is actually owed to the government while your taxes paid would be the amount that you pre-paid in the year either from your employer (as reflected on your T4 box 22) or through tax installments in the year.


If you paid the same as what is owed, then you don't owe more but you don't get a refund.

If you paid more in the year then what is owed at the end of the year, then you typically get a refund - YAY!!

If you paid less in the year then what is owed at the end of the year, then you typically have to pay the difference to the government