What's the difference between the busauto and t777auto form?
1 Best answer
Level 5
Oct 30, 2019 4:58:04 AM
BusAuto is used for the T2125 - Statement of Business Income, T2042 - Statement of Farm Income, T2121 Statement of Fishing Income, and T776 - Statement of Rental income.
The T777Auto form is used for the T777 - Employment Expenses form.
1 Replies
Level 5
Oct 30, 2019 4:58:04 AM
BusAuto is used for the T2125 - Statement of Business Income, T2042 - Statement of Farm Income, T2121 Statement of Fishing Income, and T776 - Statement of Rental income.
The T777Auto form is used for the T777 - Employment Expenses form.