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New Member
posted Oct 29, 2019 9:15:48 PM

Where on T2125 form would I include annual maintenance costs for a utility trailer (repairs, insurance,CVOR) used both for my sole proprietor business & for personal use?

What happens if my % personal use exceeds my %business use?  (I should note that I am also registered under HST, and am also dealing with calculating what ITCs I can claim related to my self-employed sole proprietor business expenses).

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1 Best answer
Level 2
Oct 29, 2019 9:15:49 PM

You can only input the business portion of any expense.  There is no specific way to track the business portion the same way as home office and vehicle expense, so you should total the expenses and record a fair percentage under other expenses.

3 Replies
Level 2
Oct 29, 2019 9:15:49 PM

You can only input the business portion of any expense.  There is no specific way to track the business portion the same way as home office and vehicle expense, so you should total the expenses and record a fair percentage under other expenses.

New Member
Oct 29, 2019 9:15:51 PM

Appreciate the response Delphision.
Everywhere I looked, I could only find Q&A regarding how to address the Capital acquisition related to the purchase of a utility trailer used for business purposes...Q&A never addressed how to treat the annual operating expenses.  .Thanks..  BG.

Level 2
Oct 29, 2019 9:15:52 PM

Glad to help.  It's an interesting question.