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New Member
posted Apr 18, 2024 5:57:30 AM

With respect to moving expenses, is the "net eligible income is income that relates to your new work location, minus certain deductions" simply my annal salary?

I'm trying to complete the moving expenses portion. What is "net eligible income is income"?

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1 Replies
Intuit Alumni
Apr 18, 2024 6:16:12 AM

As per our TurboTax article Moving Tax Deductions in Canada the "net eligible income" is the net income earned at the new location.

You can only deduct moving expenses against the net income earned at the new location. This means you may have to do a separate calculation to determine how much you can claim. For example:

  • As an employee you are transferred to a new location with the same employer, if your entire income from the year is reported on one T4 slip, you’ll need to determine how much of that income was earned after you moved to the new location.

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