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New Member
posted Oct 29, 2019 8:13:33 PM

Can I claim the application fee for university

I am pretty sure I can claim the expense of applying for university (the application fee), but I don't see a spot to enter it.  The fee amount is not included in the T2202A.

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1 Best answer
New Member
Oct 29, 2019 8:13:35 PM

Eligible tuition fees include the following amounts:

  • admission fees;
  • charges for use of library or laboratory facilities;
  • exemption fees;
  • examination fees (including re-reading charges) that are integral to a program of study;
  • application fees (but only if the student subsequently enrolls in the institution);
  • confirmation fees;
  • charges for a certificate, diploma or degree;
  • membership or seminar fees that are specifically related to an academic program and its administration;
  • mandatory computer service fees; and
  • academic fees.

Here is the source: http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/E/pub/tg/p105/p105-e.html#fulltime_enr

3 Replies
New Member
Oct 29, 2019 8:13:35 PM

Eligible tuition fees include the following amounts:

  • admission fees;
  • charges for use of library or laboratory facilities;
  • exemption fees;
  • examination fees (including re-reading charges) that are integral to a program of study;
  • application fees (but only if the student subsequently enrolls in the institution);
  • confirmation fees;
  • charges for a certificate, diploma or degree;
  • membership or seminar fees that are specifically related to an academic program and its administration;
  • mandatory computer service fees; and
  • academic fees.

Here is the source: http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/E/pub/tg/p105/p105-e.html#fulltime_enr

New Member
Oct 29, 2019 8:13:36 PM

What I needed to know is where to enter the admission fee, given that it is not included on the T2202A.  Anyway, it doesn't matter because I've discovered that Turbo Tax does not give me the Schedule 11 that I need to file with my return!  Seriously, what's the point of tax software if it doesn't produce the necessary schedules, and even worse doesn't let you know that you have to produce them yourself.  Not impressed.

New Member
Oct 29, 2019 8:13:38 PM

Agree - no answer -not knowing where to enter application and admission fee for the upcoming school year.