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Returning Member
posted Feb 28, 2023 5:09:09 PM

Can you tell me where to add my AGO museum membership? They sent me a tax receipt (amount recieved $205 with eligible amount of $60)?

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1 Replies
Level 5
Mar 3, 2023 8:20:43 AM

To claim a charitable donation in TurboTax Online:

1. Select “Payments Profile” from the “Donations” tab.

2. Check off “Charitable donations not already reported on a T-Slip” and click the “Continue” button.

3. On the “Donations Profile for (YEAR)” page, check off anything that fits your situation. Click the “Continue” button.

4. Go through the pages (shown as per your selection) and fill in the information.


To claim a charitable donation in TurboTax CD/Download:

1. Select “Payments Profile” from under “Deductions & Credits” in the side menu.

2. Check off “Charitable donations not already reported on a T-Slip” and click the “Continue” button.

3. On the “Donations Profile for (YEAR)” page, check off anything that fits your situation. Click the “Continue” button.

4. Go through the pages (shown as per your selection) and fill in the information.


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