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Why does my CPP benefit not show up on Year over Year Comaparison

When reviewing my return my CPP benefit does not show up on the Year over Year Comparison

1 Best answer

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Why does my CPP benefit not show up on Year over Year Comaparison

Did you see line 114 in the YoY comparison? Or is it that you didn't see the amount you entered be reflected in the Line 114 field?

Did you claim CPP benefits last year as well?

Post back if you still need assistance.

- Clint

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1 Reply

Why does my CPP benefit not show up on Year over Year Comaparison

Did you see line 114 in the YoY comparison? Or is it that you didn't see the amount you entered be reflected in the Line 114 field?

Did you claim CPP benefits last year as well?

Post back if you still need assistance.

- Clint