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posted Mar 27, 2022 12:20:59 AM

Do you need to claim roe

How do you access t4 from a bankrupt company

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1 Replies
Level 3
Mar 29, 2022 9:52:33 AM

No, you do not claim your record of employment (ROE). It is important for employment insurance (EI) purposes, such as for receiving EI. For tax purposes, Service Canada will have sent you a T4E slip: Statement of Employment Insurance and Other Benefits to report as income in your return. Please follow the directions included in this TurboTax FAQ on How do I enter a T4E

If the company has not sent you a T4 in the mail, this may be available to access on your Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) My Account. 

To access your T4 on the CRA My Account website,

  1. Sign in to the CRA My Account website.
  2. From the list across the top of the screen, click: Tax Returns
  3. Click the link: Tax Information Slips (T4 and more)
  4. From the drop-down list, select the year of the T slip information you are looking for.
  5. From the drop-down list, select the Information slip: T4.

If your T4 is unavailable, you can total the amounts from your paystubs:

They have the amounts you need - T4 slip: Statement of Remuneration Paid.

As per the Canada Revenue Agency, you can Estimate your income without tax slips

If you can't get a slip in time to file your taxes, you can estimate your income. Add up your pay stubs or financial statements to estimate the amount of income to report and any related deductions and credits you can claim.

Include a note with your return stating the name and address of the issuer of the slip, the type of income, and what you are doing to get the slip.

  • If you file electronically: Keep all of your documents in case the CRA asks to see them later.
  • If you file a paper return: Attach a copy of the pay stubs or statements and your note to your paper return. Keep your original documents.

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