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New Member
posted Oct 29, 2019 6:19:30 PM

Does Turbo tax basic allow input of RRSP Contributions

I have a very simple return where I have just a T4, T4A and an RRSP Contribution. I am hoping all I need is Turbo Tax Basic but I can't find any confirmation that TurboTax Basic will allow the entry of RRSP Contributions. I do not need the RRSP optimizer.


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1 Best answer
New Member
Oct 29, 2019 6:19:31 PM


You can see the comparison chat between CD/Download versions here: http://turbotax.intuit.ca/tax-software/help-me-choose-desktop.jsp?s_tnt=71243:5:0

You'll see a line that says RRSP Optimizing Tools. If you have RRSPs you will need Standard.

4 Replies
New Member
Oct 29, 2019 6:19:31 PM


You can see the comparison chat between CD/Download versions here: http://turbotax.intuit.ca/tax-software/help-me-choose-desktop.jsp?s_tnt=71243:5:0

You'll see a line that says RRSP Optimizing Tools. If you have RRSPs you will need Standard.

New Member
Oct 29, 2019 6:19:33 PM

I did visit the comparison site and saw the line for RRSP Optimizing tools. Since I have used Turbo Tax Standard in the past, I assumed this tool was the one used to show you how much of a refund/payment is calculated by modifying the RRSP contribution. Since I already now my contribution and will not be modifying it, I just need to know if there is a place in TurboTax basic where I can enter the amount of my RRSP contribution.

New Member
Oct 29, 2019 6:19:36 PM

If you want to input your RRSP contribution and don't need the optimizer, simply click on Forms Method, then double click line 208 and enter your RRSP contribution information.

Level 2
Dec 20, 2020 1:14:30 PM

I have the same question. My Tax profile for 2020 is pretty simple includes T4, T4A and RRSP. So it would be nice to know is RRSP form is included. On comparison page it only mention RRSP optimizer tool which I find pretty useless because it only tells you that more you put in RRSP more you get in refund. This can be done by placing different amount on RRSP contribution page anyway. Besides in many cases I know exactly how much I want to put into RRSP based on my room and money I have available. So to make a long story short it would be nice if RRSP page is included in TurboTax basic. I do believe it is but would be nice to have it confirmed. Thanks!