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New Member
posted Oct 31, 2019 4:58:23 AM

Getting an error that CPP contributions or pensionable earnings entered incorrectly. Have checked twice and not so>

2 43 9836
24 Replies
Level 4
Oct 31, 2019 4:58:24 AM

Can you please provide a screen shot of the error you get?

Level 1
Feb 10, 2020 12:45:47 PM

I am getting the same error 2020-02-10, I have checked the T4, is there a problem with the program or an error on the T4 that needs to be corrected???



Feb 10, 2020 3:38:06 PM

Do you have the correct province selected? If you have CPP contributions on your T4 but you choose Quebec (QC) as a province, you’ll get that error. Same thing if you have QPP contributions but choose a province that’s not Quebec.

Returning Member
Feb 20, 2020 2:47:40 PM

February 20, 2020 I am getting the same error and the info has been typed in exactly as the T4 the province is correct as well as the CPP & EI amounts, will this prevent the return from being netfiled on Monday???


New Member
Feb 27, 2020 2:05:12 PM

I too am getting this error, CPP contributions error. I checked my T4 several times, I called CRA and they say this is a problem with the software I am using. How do I fix this so I can file?

New Member
Feb 27, 2020 2:21:13 PM

I am also getting this error, have re-entered my T4 several time with no luck. I called TurboTax on Tuesday and they told me it would be fixed next day. It has not been fixed. I am calling them again now with a 35 minute hold time.

How can this be fixed so I can Netfile?

Level 2
Feb 27, 2020 8:18:39 PM

I am getting the same error and my T4 has been entered correctly.  Clearly this is a Turbo Tax glitch and needs to be addressed.  I have deleted the T4 and I get no error messages.  I re-entered the T4 and the error showed up again.  Please advise. 


CPP/QPP contributions or pensionable earnings have been entered incorrectly. Check the amounts entered on your T4; particularly boxes 10, 14, 16, 17, 26, and 28. If the information entered matches your slips, please contact TurboTax support at https://support.turbotax.intuit.ca/contact/


I contacted support and the woman was no help what so ever.  February 27, 2020


Level 3
Feb 29, 2020 7:20:20 AM

I also have the same problem.  I have employment income (T4) and self-employment (T2125). Data entered from T4 alone poses no REVIEW ERRORS.  However, once I add self-employment income I am getting the REVIEW ERROR CODE "CPP Contributions or Pensionable Earnings entered incorrectly.... check T4...."  
I looked into Schedule 8 which seems to address CPP on Self-Employment income but 4 pages of data calcuation is too much for me. Somewhere within this area the CPP contribution or the CPP Pensionable Earnings is corrupt and causing this error. Please review and provide a fix as I need to file my tax.

Level 2
Feb 29, 2020 8:14:09 AM

I got a call back yesterday.  It is a known problem with t4 and self employment earnings.  They say the fix will come in March 2nd.  

Level 3
Feb 29, 2020 1:45:57 PM

Interesting to find another user who is sharing my frustration.  I dug a bit deeper as I am so obsessed with this problem. I manually printed out schedule 8 specific to CPP (from Revenue Canada Forms), and entered in all employment and self-employment Info requested. That was a time consuming 4-page effort which proved to be a calculation challenge for the normal well-educated human. However, with calculator in hand I successfully completed the task and verified Turbo Tax auto fill of Schedule 8 and also made sure the appropriate entries were transferred to the T1.  To what end I do not know because the Turbo tax error is still there directing me to fix the CPP issue. I certainly hope the March 2 fix works.  I will stay tuned. Thanks for your response. 

Level 2
Mar 2, 2020 10:30:45 PM

March 2nd is here - and no update, no fix.  



Level 3
Mar 3, 2020 9:14:09 AM

Yes March 2 come and gone and my skepticism about a resolve to this problem in any efficient manner has proven to be well-founded.  You may have been given a March 2 fix timeline, but I haven't even heard back from Turbo Tax at all.  I see others have the same problem.  Guess I need to call again and put the time in on hold. Keep in touch if you hear anything.


Level 1
Mar 5, 2020 3:50:43 PM

I messaged Turbo Tax through messenger instead of calling and I received a reply they are aware of the issue and will be fixed by March 9th. Hopefully that date is correct! 

Level 3
Mar 6, 2020 4:52:05 AM

Hi. Hopefully you get an answer by March 9 as promised.  
I still have not received any communication but will try sending a message as well.
Keep me posted.  Thanks.

Level 1
Mar 7, 2020 10:12:14 AM

Same error!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Very very frustrating that there is no official response from Turbo Tax... I need to know this will be fixed so I can do my *&^% taxes!!



Level 2
Mar 9, 2020 4:36:49 PM

Here it is . March 9, and still no fix for this problem.  I can't wait another 30-40 minutes on phone even though they say on the website that if wait time is more than 20 minutes they will call you back.  Not so.  


I am getting close to asking for a refund and using another tax filing program.  

Level 1
Mar 9, 2020 4:49:07 PM

Sent another message and was told tomorrow by 5pm ET. Fingers crossed!

Level 3
Mar 10, 2020 7:45:24 AM


Well... the saga continues.  I talked to support from Turbo Tax this morning and they had me jumping through hoops including deleting the T4 and re-installing the downloaded version of Turbo Tax instead of the CD installation.  All efforts produced the same CPP Error on Review. 
I have now been told (after considerable time on the phone) that Turbo Tax is aware of this problem and that the fix is indicated to be available the "week of" March 9.  So keep looking for updates every couple of days and hopefully by Friday we will see something come through.   Did anyone actually try to file the tax by ignoring the Error? Just curious if you were able to file?  Turbo Tax wanted me to test that but I was not ready to do so...yet! 

New Member
Mar 10, 2020 8:40:04 AM



Funny you should ask if you can Netfile with the error. I tried late last night as I was so frustrated with the lack of responsibility and answers from Turbo Tax. Lo and behold, I was able to Netfile my return with the error code. I'm hoping it didn't make any calculation errors in my return but it was accepted by CRA.

Level 2
Mar 10, 2020 4:58:29 PM

Well there was an update today, but I still am getting the error.  I don't want to file with the error in place and then have CRA not like something I have done.  I will hope that the message I read about an update coming the week of March 9 means I will have a fix by the end of this week.  

Level 3
Mar 15, 2020 4:01:28 AM

I have had this error since Feb 28 (1st date that I called Turbo Tax about it) and I have called twice more and been assured that a fix would be ready for download the week of Mar 9/20.

Today's update did not fix the problem so I will assume that the "week of" Mar 9 does not end on Friday Mar 13 as they stated.  I am not sure what annoys me more.... the problem in the first place or ongoing inability to provide support.  Support has only been misinformation and false promises. Just extremely poor customer service.  This is TAX SEASON.  Turbo Tax should be working around the clock to ensure their software functions accurately.  I am waiting.... and not sure what the next step is?  

Level 2
Mar 15, 2020 11:39:54 AM

I have also contacted TurboTax support about this CPP contributions entered incorrect issue.

I was told that a software update would be done by Saturday Mar. 14 and to open the program to update it then.

Have tried today, and it is still a problem !

This is the first year that the program has failed for me, after using it for about 7-8 years!

Really surprised it has taken this long to fix............first report was OCT ?

Returning Member
Mar 16, 2020 7:38:55 AM

This happened to me yesterday also, what do we do now?

Level 3
Mar 16, 2020 1:11:33 PM

I tried calling Turbo Tax again today (by requesting telephone contact with incident ID number) to be greeted with a message that the telephone system was experiencing problems and try again later!  Icing on the cake of frustration.  Waiting for some intelligent support and resolve. In answer to your question. I don’t know “what next” but do know I am disappointed in a turbo Tax customer service. They can access this community forum to see what their loyal customers are saying.... so why not have the courtesy to respond. It is like being in an overcrowded waiting room with no-one giving updates.  Get on it Turbo Tax... your clients are fed up!