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New Member
posted Aug 21, 2023 5:19:22 PM

Hi, for the "were you a student in 2022" question, what if I received a scholarship from the US and my parents paid the leftover in USD? What boxes should I check off?

This is my first time filing taxes and I spent a year in the States for University. So, I'm not sure what I section because technically someone else paid for my tuition and I received a scholarship in 2022, but that was towards a University in the States.

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1 Replies
Returning Member
Apr 30, 2024 1:36:14 PM

Hi @tianaa.l 
As a resident of Canada for tax purposes, you must report your worldwide income to the CRA, including any scholarships or grants received while studying in the US. However, some scholarships are tax-exempt if they are not tied to a specific service. Tuition paid by someone else is usually not taxable income to you, but the person who paid may be able to claim a tax credit. If you're unsure how to report your scholarship or tuition, seek help from a tax expert you can check here 