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New Member
posted Apr 24, 2023 11:43:54 AM

How can I avoid splitting the tax deducted on pension income. I used pension income splitting which then automatically split the tax deducted on that pension.

The pension splitting optimizer automatically splits the tax deducted. I cannot change it.

0 2 2020
2 Replies
Returning Member
May 1, 2023 11:28:21 AM



When splitting the pension income, you have to split the taxes as well. You will not be able to avoid this step.

For further information on pension splitting, please check this link https://turbotax.intuit.ca/tips/understanding-pension-income-splitting-for-seniors-5521


Thank you for choosing TurboTax. 

Level 3
May 1, 2023 11:29:10 AM

Hello Larry, 


   We appreciate your question. Please review Step 5 of the T1032 form. This step is required to carryout the election. 


   Furthermore, please ensure that you and your spouse or common-law partner has signed the T1032. Should the CRA review this election, they will require this form's submission.