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New Member
posted Oct 23, 2023 12:02:18 PM

How do I reduce the Tuition/Education amount claimed in 2022? Turbotax is automatically using a HUGE portion. I wish to reduce the $ used & carryforward the unused.

As a result I am getting a large refund, but also a warning that my tuition fee claim amount is a Red Flag for audit.  I don't need, or want, to claim as much as Turbotax is applying.  I cannot figure out how to change/reduce it.

0 6 2009
6 Replies
Oct 23, 2023 12:20:55 PM

TurboTax automatically calculates the amount  you have owing and will use your tuition credits to make sure that you don't owe. Please go to the top left and click below the amount it shows for refund- you will see a drop down arrow. Go down to View Detailed Tax Summary. If all the numbers in there are correct- then you have nothing to worry about. 

When there is a big amount from either tuition credits or medical expenses- there will be a chance that the CRA will audit that specific return. 



Thank you for choosing TurboTax.

New Member
Oct 23, 2023 12:51:15 PM


I appreciate the response, thank you so much.  I'm still confused though.  The available tuition carryover from 2021 is over $33,000.00.  Turbotax is applying $26,000.00 resulting in a $4,200.00 tax refund.  It then also warns me that an audit would probably result given the amount of tuition being applied and suggests I change it.  I do not need a $4,200 refund and would prefer to reduce the tuition used, increase the carryover amount and reduce the refund amount.  I don't understand why so much is being applied.  It's going way beyond reducing the tax payable to zero?

Level 8
Oct 23, 2023 1:00:09 PM

Yes, that is a lot to claim- before that was added did you notice that you owe money?

New Member
Oct 23, 2023 4:45:23 PM

Yes, I redid the tax return without any acknowledgement of student status, unused tuition fees, or tuition carryover from 2021 and my refund was just over $600.00.    I'd prefer not to use the tuition fees and cause an audit... I've nothing to hide but who needs the headache that goes with and audit 🙂  I find it so odd that Turbotax is forcing such a large amount to be used and such a high refund as a result.  I've deleted my tax return and started from scratch several times with painstaking care to my answers thinking I did something wrong, but I get the same result every time.  I've never run into this before with Turbotax!

Oct 24, 2023 6:48:27 AM

If you upgrade to Assist and Review- they can review your return for you to make sure that everything is correct. Unfortunately, that is all I can recommend at this time. 

New Member
Oct 24, 2023 11:28:18 AM

Thank you, I appreciate your time and input!