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posted Mar 29, 2022 11:51:42 AM

How to I do a search for forms rather than answer all questions from Turbo Tax up front. In the past Turbo Tax allowed me to do searches..

Help - just want to search for forms - how do i do that

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1 Replies
Level 4
Mar 31, 2022 5:44:08 PM

To search for forms on TurboTax:

  1. Open your TurboTax return. At the top of the page, there is a "Find" icon.
  2. Click "Find", then type the form number you are looking for into the search bar. (i.e. T4, T2202, etc.)
  3. Once you see the form appear highlighted in the suggested searches, make sure it is selected and press Go. 

Note:  If you are having trouble finding the form, make sure your search is formatted correctly. If you are not searching by the proper form number or correct title, it may not recognize what you are looking for. If this is the issue, you may want to scroll through the suggested list it provides. Alternatively, you could exit the "Find" window and browse through the column on the left-hand side of the screen to find what you are looking for.

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