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New Member
posted Oct 30, 2019 12:07:11 PM

What is the best way to submit our daughter's tax return? She is 18 yrs old and attending university. We would like to optimize transfer of education expenses?

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2 Replies
Oct 30, 2019 12:07:13 PM

If this is her first tax return, she will have to file her return by postal mail.

As to what version of TurboTax you can use to prepare her return, you can choose any one of our products, as they all have the right forms and information. Many students use TurboTax Online Free, because it costs $0.00 to use, but you may find Standard easier to use. If you need to do several returns and have a Windows computer, it may be cheaper to use TurboTax CD/Download. https://turbotax.intuit.ca/personal-tax-software/online-tax-software.jsp

New Member
Oct 30, 2019 12:07:14 PM

it's her second return, but first one with TurboTax.  Mine and my wife's return sync up to optimize credits, right?  I'm wondering how my daughter's will tie in to ours...or does it have to be a separate return, and I have to figure out how much tuition to transfer to us, use on her return, or carry over to future years on my own.  Is there no way to sync all three returns together to maximize benefits?