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New Member
posted Mar 6, 2022 1:39:58 PM

When I add my tuition fees from line 26 of my T2202, it reduces the amount I am getting back on my tax return. This doesn't make sense, should it not be a credit?

Why would it be deducting me for tuition fees paid?

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2 Replies
Level 1
Mar 6, 2022 3:57:53 PM

Same thing is happening to me. Furthermore, when I look at the year over year comparison, in the "Tuition/education amounts" line, my tuition is listed as "$0.00". I'm guessing it's a glitch?


In 2021 I paid more in tuition and had less income, yet my 2020 return was somehow significantly higher. This has to be an error.

New Member
Mar 7, 2022 7:02:49 PM

I actually figured it out, from another support question. I'll quote it here:


"What's happening is that your income was low enough that you were assigned the Working Income Tax Benefit. Since students are excluded from this benefit, your tuition slip entry removed the benefit as it should."


You should be able to apply for the Canada Training benefit though, I was able to get $500 back from that as a student!


Not sure why your tuition is reading as 0.00 though, that seems weird!