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New Member
posted Mar 20, 2023 2:22:51 PM

When I calculate the EI overpayment (line 45000), I have about 23$. But when I look at my Federal tax summary, the line is blank. How can I add 23$ for line 45000?

I contributed more to my EI premiums than Ihad to. I can claim the difference on line 45000 of my return but it's still blank. I don't know where is T2204 in TurboTax. Thanks

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1 Replies
Level 2
May 1, 2023 12:08:57 PM

Please review your calculation to make sure that all insurable earnings are included and you are using the correct EI premium rates and maximums.


All wages, salaries, tips and gratuities are considered insurable earnings. Any payment that is controlled by your employer is typically considered an insurable earning. Insurable earnings are all of those reported on your earnings statement prior to your deductions.

Other types of payments from an employer that are considered insurable earnings include (to name just a few):

  • Bonus payments
  • Commissions
  • Compassionate care leave
  • Deferred salary leave
  • Overtime
  • Paid maternity leave and parental leave by your employer
  • Paid sick leave
  • Vacation Pay

For EI premium rates and maximums, please refer to CRA's website https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/tax/businesses/topics/payroll/payroll-deductions-contributions/employment-insurance-ei/ei-premium-rates-maximums.html