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New Member
posted Mar 6, 2022 1:58:57 PM

When selecting to claim the BC Sales Tax Credit, it does not let me enter an amount, and only says $0.00. I am elligable, should I not be getting $75 to claim?

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1 Replies
Level 4
Mar 6, 2022 4:13:18 PM

If you are eligible for the BC Sales Tax Credit, TurboTax will automatically include the credit and show it on two different summaries: Line 47900 of the Detailed Tax Summary and on the British Columbia Tax & Credits Summary.

This credit is "income-tested" and the maximum income threshold for receiving any portion of the credit is $18,750 for individuals, and $25,500 for spouses combined.


Please see the link below for additional information:

Claiming the British Columbia Sales Tax Credit as per TurboTax


Thank you for choosing Turbo Tax.