Before reporting your school expenses and textbook purchased, you should determine if you are qualifying for both of these below conditions:
When you are eligible for that, you must complete and file Schedule 11 with your Income Tax and Benefit Return, even if someone else paid your fees. For how to complete Schedule 11, this link below will guide you in more details.
If you using TurboTax online software, please follow these instructions to enter your tuitions and textbook expenses:
1. Go to the Find button on the top of the left side then enter "T2202"
2. Click on the first "Tuition fees on a receipt, T2202, and the second box "I had textbooks and supplies" then click Continue.
3. Entering your tuition amounts which are reported on your T2202A slip.
4. Finally, if you have more tuition slips in 2020 then click "Enter New Tuition slip" and repeat from step 1, if not, choose "Done with Tuition fees".
For more information, this link below from the Canada Agency Revenue (CRA) will be useful.
Line 32300 – Your tuition, education, and textbook amounts