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Level 1
posted Mar 20, 2025 10:01:13 AM

Access denied error message when searching for support or community messages

When I search for an issue in the Support or Community sections of the Canadian section of turbo tax, as expected, Turbotax returns a list of possible articles, posts and FAQ of potential interest.  Unfortunately when I click on any of them, I get the following error message "Access denied.  You do not have sufficient privileges for this resource or its parent to perform this action." 


The following may be relevant:

1) I am logged in,

2) I have tried two different browsers (Edge & Firefox) and got the same results,

3) Rebooting had no impact,

4) I am on the Canadian site (URL = https://turbotax.community.intuit.ca/turbotax-support/en-ca/help-search) ,

5) If I just browse through the community postings, I can click on them and view them without a problem; the issue occurs only when clicking on a search result.


Any suggestions?

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2 Replies
Mar 21, 2025 11:28:31 AM

You are getting this message because you're trying to access a delete post. These deleted posts shouldn't be showing in our search results and we are looking into resolving the issue ASAP.


Level 1
Mar 21, 2025 1:26:27 PM

Thank you for the response.  I did some extra testing in case useful:

  •  Search results corresponding to "Articles" all opened fine
  •  I tried 5 search topics (T2200, Bug, access denied, T63.4, RRSP).  In each case I tried to open 5-10 links (for a total of about 40 attempts), most of them with the mention "Updated a year ago" but some as old as "updated 4 years ago".
  •  Of the 40 or so links I tried to follow, only ONE opened a community post, one led to a page saying "Enterprise SSO" and a box saying "Corporate User ID", and ALL the other community search results led to "Access denied".
  • The one link that opened was to a post entitled "Quebec - Work from home expenses" last updated Marh 11, 2024.
  •  Looking at the first 2-3 pages of search results, none of the search results had updates shorter than 1 year, which strikes me as odd; there are presumably searchable results that are days or weeks old.
  •  I tried searching for community posts younger than 1 year, I did not find any, maybe all posts younger than a year are marked "updated a year ago" ???
  •  I tried looking for this specific post, it is not being returned in search results for "Access denied".  
  • Knowing that a search for "Access denied" between quotes returns only two results might help you reproduce the issue.  The two results are :
  1. Auto-Fill: Keep Getting "Access Denied (No permission to access server)" Message (updated 1 year ago), and
  2. TtUpdate_Date_2017.exe Where can I find this link for my 2016 taxes (updated 4 years ago)

Hope this helps.