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New Member
posted Apr 28, 2021 7:08:15 PM

After filled the taxes and paid for the TurboTax Plus, nothing happens when I click the "Start" button in the "File your return" step of the "Just a few steps..."

What should I do to fix that and finally file the taxes. Last year this didn't happen. I used the same approach as I'm trying today. Thanks.

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1 Replies
Apr 30, 2021 10:37:15 AM

Please clear your browser cache (or use a different browser), and try again. This FAQ has instructions on how to clear the cache in several popular browsers: https://turbotax.community.intuit.ca/community/tax-topics/help/how-do-i-clear-my-cache-browsing-history/00/873530


If you are still unable to resolve this issue, please contact us by phone. To talk to our phone support team, visit https://support.turbotax.intuit.ca/contact/. After entering some basic info about what you need help with, the page will give you the phone number for the team best suited to help.