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Level 2
posted Apr 16, 2024 6:04:28 PM

Amending a 2023 return - all Old Amounts show as $0

After e-filing, I tried to use the Amend and ReFile feature in Home & Business - downloaded edition on Windows 11.  

Choosing the ReFile for my 2023 return (on the NetFile page), it then led me through all of the profile questions and Easy Step sections.   BUT when I got to the Summary for ReFile it shows ALL of the Old Amounts as $0, not the originally filed amounts.  Switching to Forms mode, I can see that the RSUM form is showing all the old amounts as $0 and the Changed Amounts as the new calculation values.


I cannot change the RSUM info manually.  How do I get it to undo all this and go back to the as-filed information, so that I can try to Amend the return again?  Or am I stuck now and have to amend this using the CRA Online adjustment form (but TurboTax suggests I should not do this for a NetFiled return).


Sadly I do not have an archived version of the tt23 file from before making the amendment (my bad I guess, but it asked me to save and I was clicking along merrily).

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1 Best answer
Level 2
Apr 19, 2024 4:24:29 PM

okay, so the summary here is:

  • No one has addressed why the TurboTax ReFile function was broken for me (it didn't retain the original as-filed values, just the amended values).
  • It would appear that my TurboTax return is broken now and there is no way to correct it.
  • The guidance provided is conflicted.  The TurboTax help documentation suggests to NOT use the CRA Online "change my return" for a NetFiled return (as I noted in my original post).  But the Community here says that I should use the CRA Online functionality.

So thanks, I guess, for confirming that I'm stuck now, and I should just do what I originally worked out.

4 Replies
Apr 17, 2024 10:45:58 AM

Unfortunately, there is no way to roll back the changes once you have saved them to the file.

Level 2
Apr 17, 2024 10:57:24 AM

Ah. Okay thanks.  So I guess abandon Turbo Tax and use the CRA online mechanism is the solution.  Too bad.

Still not sure why, even though I followed the proscribed steps, it failed miserably to properly retain my as-filed information.

Apr 17, 2024 11:22:22 AM

After you receive your Notice of Assessment in the mail, you can make changes to your tax return by using the ReFile or amendment option. The fastest and easiest way to do this is by logging into your CRA "My Account" and selecting the tax year you wish to amend. Click on 'Change my return' and make the necessary changes. Please keep in mind that only one change can be made at a time.

Level 2
Apr 19, 2024 4:24:29 PM

okay, so the summary here is:

  • No one has addressed why the TurboTax ReFile function was broken for me (it didn't retain the original as-filed values, just the amended values).
  • It would appear that my TurboTax return is broken now and there is no way to correct it.
  • The guidance provided is conflicted.  The TurboTax help documentation suggests to NOT use the CRA Online "change my return" for a NetFiled return (as I noted in my original post).  But the Community here says that I should use the CRA Online functionality.

So thanks, I guess, for confirming that I'm stuck now, and I should just do what I originally worked out.