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posted Dec 2, 2023 5:26:45 PM

Amount Carry Forward from Previous Year on T777

Hi, I received an audit from CRA asking me to provide supporting documents for the "Carry Forward Amount From Previous Year" on T777 form, for which I have no idea where the number came from or what I should provide to CRA.  I believe that amount was automatically generated by Turbotax software based on prior year information, but based on what, I have no idea.  Could you advise?  Thanks so much.  

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1 Replies
Dec 4, 2023 7:37:17 AM

A T777 is a slip entered for Employment expenses that you might have claimed. It isn't usually carried forward. Have you gone over your 2021 and 2022 tax returns line by line to verify all the information? It may be a wrong entry in a wrong box. Verify all the slips in your CRA My Account to make sure you did enter all your slips properly, especially if you used auto-fill. Sometimes information is entered twice, once with auto-fill and further along by the person doing the return.


Don't hesitate to call CRA for details.