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Level 1
posted Apr 29, 2024 10:15:44 AM

British Columbia renter's tax credit table of rental addresses, etc (the Columns A through D) is not complete in the T1 2023

I have correctly completed the TurboTax Online Interview regarding the various locations where I rented in BC in 2023. There were 4 locations in total (over a period of 6 months in total) and I included all that information in the TurboTax Online Interview.


However, the table mentioned above that TurboTax completes from the Interview and includes in the T1 contains only the first two locations.


That table says: "if you need more space, attach an additional page" but I do not see any such additional page in the T1 being created by TurboTax.


I have not filed yet, but have reviewed the draft T1 that TurboTax prepares prior to online filing.


TurboTax is applying the correct total number of months (6) and is taking the correct amount of credit ($400). But that is NOT fully supported by the details in the required table in the T1 that TurboTax is creating. I am concerned that this could cause problems.


Basically what I seek is either: confirmation that the online filing via TurboTax will in fact contain all required supporting details or another way to include those details  while still filing online.


Any help/suggestions much appreciated. Thank you.

0 3 4774
3 Replies
Apr 29, 2024 10:55:47 AM


Please contact our phone support team at 1-888-829-8608 as they will be better able to assist you.

Level 1
Apr 29, 2024 12:14:28 PM

Thank you for your suggestion. I just finished an over 1-hour call with support at the number indicated and they have so far been unable to resolve the issue. I have requested an escalated supervisor call-back and am waiting for that call-back.

Intuit Alumni
Apr 29, 2024 12:16:17 PM

Thank you for the update. We appreciate it.


Thank you for choosing TurboTax.