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New Member
posted Mar 22, 2025 12:06:24 PM

Can't enter anything in spouse's net income line

Turbotax is asking what my spouse's net income (756930) is. He hasn't done his taxes yet, so I don't have that exact info. So I tried entering an estimate, as another post suggested. However, no matter what I put in that box it won't accept it. It just keeps saying "Your spouse's net income (Line 23600) should be calculated by subtracting social benefit repayments (Line 23500) from their net income before adjustments (Line 23400)." Nothing I enter is accepted by the system. How do I get past this step?

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1 Replies
New Member
Mar 22, 2025 12:08:53 PM

Solved by logging out of turbotax and then logging back in. It accepted an estimate just fine. Just a bug, I guess. But seriously, turbotax used to just ask for the employment income amount (14) from a spouse's T4. Asking for net income is ridiculous - it prevents me from doing my taxes until my spouse has.