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Returning Member

Can't netfile CRA

I am just about to finish my tax return and this prompt comes up on the netfile page "Our records indicate you are not filing an income tax return for the first time with the Canada Revenue Agency. Please go back in your software and ensure you do not identify yourself as someone who is filing an income tax return for the first time and submit your tax return again.

If you require assistance, please contact your tax preparation software provider.
How can i go back and change that i HAVE filed with the CRA before. I cannot go back to the question that asks me if i have before or not. 
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!


1 Reply

Can't netfile CRA

If you are indeed filing a Canadian return for the first time you will need to click on "Print to Mail" and mail in your return. If you have filed a return previously with CRA then you will need to go back to Your Personal Information on the left-hand side and the second page will ask "Are you filing an income tax return with the CRA for the first time?" make sure you answer this correctlyThen you will be able to click on the "Review" section and continue.