I have went through all the steps to input all the information for my tax. I had finish paying for turbo tax and when I try to Netfile my tax. I am getting an error saying that it will not work as my CRA account is locked after making 5 tries. I did do several tries and it is lock on Turbo Tax end. But when I try to log into my CRA account. It is not lock there end as I can access my account. Is there a problem with Turbo Tax connecting to CRA with Netfile or is this a problem with Revenue Canada as I can log into my CRA account with no error?
I saw a similar post as there was no help as the customer contact Canada Revenue where the problem was not at their end.
Can this problem be fix as I had already paid and I am close to the deadline May1?
Just wanted to add more information. I had tried a second new tax return and this time I used the login for my CRA account to transfer all taxable slips from the account and I was able to login into the CRA account. Filled in the information and paid a second time. Tried to use Netfile a second time and it still give me an error as my account is locked. Why am I able to login into my CRA account to transfer file slips and information from my CRA account if it is suppose to be lock?
Your My Account is different from your NETFILE account. To unlock your NETFILE you will need to contact the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), as we don't control the NETFILE servers - they belong to the CRA.
If you are in Canada or the United States, you can call the CRA at 1-800-959-8281. If you are elsewhere, you can call 613-940-8495. This page has more ways to contact the CRA: Contact the Canada Revenue Agency