When you paid for service you received a confirmation of payment and there is a number to call. You have to call and the length of the call will depend on the complexity of your return and if there will be anything found that has to be corrected.
Otherwise please call us by clicking the following link to the Contact Us page. Then complete the required information. A phone number will appear, along with your incident ID. Call the number. This will ensure that an appropriate agent is assigned to your query: https://support.turbotax.intuit.ca/contact
We look forward to hearing from you.
When you paid for service you received a confirmation of payment and there is a number to call. You have to call and the length of the call will depend on the complexity of your return and if there will be anything found that has to be corrected.
Otherwise please call us by clicking the following link to the Contact Us page. Then complete the required information. A phone number will appear, along with your incident ID. Call the number. This will ensure that an appropriate agent is assigned to your query: https://support.turbotax.intuit.ca/contact
We look forward to hearing from you.