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New Member
posted Mar 13, 2023 12:41:44 PM

Contractor Income and expenses

My wife, who is retired, earned income as a freelance contractor (single contract for professional services with no business affiliation) and was not issued a T slip.  How do I report this income and how do I claim expenses associated with fulfilling the contract?

0 1 740
1 Replies
Level 2
Mar 15, 2023 5:38:45 PM

She is considered self-employed if she earns total or supplemental income from freelance work that is not taxed at source. In this case, she will fill T2125 form (Statement of Business or Professional Activities) form to declare taxable income and associated expenses/deductions to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).


For more information, visit:

For additional guidance please view our TurboTax FAQ/video: Self-Employment


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