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New Member
posted Feb 26, 2023 6:07:22 PM

Copying information from previous year's returns (going from a disk version in 2021 to an online version in 2022)

Hi there, in previous years, we used a Disk version of Turbo Tax.  This year we purchased the online version.


Are we able to copy our initial information from the Disk version filings we've saved on the same computer to our online version?  Both years were Premier version

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1 Replies
Level 4
Feb 27, 2023 4:49:40 PM

When using TurboTax to file a return, your personal information and carry-forward amounts are automatically transferred to the next year. These include:

  • Your address and date of birth
  • Charitable donations and gifts
  • Tuition and education amounts
  • RRSP receipts

If you used TurboTax CD/Download last year and want to switch to TurboTax Online, you can easily transfer your details. 

Here’s how to make the transfer:

  1. Visit the TurboTax website

  2. Select Sign In from the menu

  3. Select Continue My 2022 Tax Return

  4. If you have a TurboTax Online account, sign in. If you don’t have an account, create one and then sign in

  5. On the Great to see you again! screen, select Start a new return

  6. Select Create a different return

  7. Choose which edition of TurboTax Online you want to use

  8. On the How did you do your taxes last year screen, select TurboTax CD/Download

  9. Select Continue

  10. On the Let’s start with last year’s return screen, select Choose File

  11. Find and select your TurboTax CD/Download file from the prior year

  12. Enter your SIN number

  13. Select Continue

  14. If you need to make changes, check the appropriate box(es)

  15. When you’re done, check the last box to continue

  16. Select the return(s) you want to transfer, or select I want to transfer all information and prepare our returns together to choose multiple returns

  17. Select Continue twice

You’re now ready to prepare your tax return with the current year information.

Thank you for choosing TurboTax.