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posted Apr 2, 2023 9:51:10 AM

CRA error code 84 - #2410



I am receiving an CRA error code#84 - #2410 - According to the Canada Revenue Agency's records, or as indicated on you return you immigrated to Canada after January 1 of the tax year. To be eligible for the Ontario Low-income individuals and families tax credit, you must have become a resident of Canada no later than January 1 of the tax year. Please remove entry from line 62140 on the Form ON428.

I cannot find where I can remove this information from the form ON428. Reading online it says it's automatically calculated by TurboTax. How can I find/fix this?

0 1 571
1 Replies
Level 2
May 1, 2023 11:54:37 AM



Based on the information you provided, you don't appear to be eligible for this credit. If your tax situation has not changed, you may be eligible to claim this next tax season.


Thanks for the question, and happy filing!