Which version of TurboTax are you using? Is It the CD/Download version or TurboTax Online? Are you working on 2022 or a different year?
I am working on Turbo tax standard 2022 CD DOWNLOAD.
Contributions to FTQ or CSN are RRSPs. Start with filing out your RRSP profile that you can find in the left side menu; check off that you have contributed to RRSP, and a little lower in that list, check off that you have contributed to a Labor-sponsored funds tax credit.
Then enter your RRSP contributions as you would any other RRSP naming the fund. The following pages will ask you the information about the provincial Labor-sponsored funds tax credit and the forms will come up in the lower part of your screen.
Thank you for using TurboTax
Just to let you know that I am very familiar with turbo tax. I have been completing taxes for several years with
Labor- Sponsored funds. 2021 I started to experience this problem with CRA line 414 and Quebec line 424. Now your solution is what I have been doing for the last 20 years. 2021 and 2022 are the 2 years that this problem started.
Your solution. Entering RL10 information in the proPer boxes. Then go to CRA and enter the cost of shares there. Enter the employment T4 for the Federal and RL1 for Quebec. Then enter on line 20800 the RRSP labor fund amount with the limit for 2022 tax year.
After completing these steps Turbo tax does not calculate the 15% for both CRA LINE 414 and Quebec line 424.
Sorry to inform you that your solution did not solve the problem. It has to be Turbo tax program. Now that being said How do I get back my money ,the program that is useless?
Please go to our TurboTax FAQ to apply for a refund: How do I get a refund for a TurboTax product?
Thank you for using TurboTax.