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New Member
posted Apr 30, 2023 1:46:00 PM

CRA Result Code 21

I am getting CRA Result code 21 when trying to file.  I have tried filing with code entered and have tried without code since it is not mandatory  and still get the same result.

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2 Replies
Level 2
May 1, 2023 8:15:06 AM

Hello @lmbeaudette 


I have an expert taking a look at it, once I found some other people with the same problem, I will post it here once they get back to me.


Thank you for your patience.


New Member
May 1, 2023 6:23:31 PM

I referred to the notice of assessment that I had saved in July and entered that Access code and was denied (31).  I then went to My Account on the CRA website and downloaded the SAME Notice of Assessment which showed a different Access code.  I entered that one and Netfile worked.

Get your Access code from a recently downloaded (most recent) Notice of Assessment.